block making machine

05/03/2013 15:57

Advantages of Vibration Engine
The vibration system is the heart of the concrete block machine, this system has two 15 KW vibration motors with Schneider ATV— Type conversion governor, from 0-65 Hz only 1-2 seconds response time, the vibration table produce vertical amplitude for 1-2 mm, also could produce for 33 tons of giant vibration force rapidly, and system produces excitation to acceleration overleap 20g (g = 9.81 meters seconds), more than Europe similar type is generally 15g, making the materials for 6 seconds of rapid prototyping. In ordinary weight ratio condition, block strength more than 15 Mpa. In order to prevent products weight and pressure head added stress, affect the vibration effect, the company borrowed Euramerican professional company mould vibration model of technology in mould box of classics, the vibration link parts joined four groups of American FIRESTONE company mattress buffer, and add another one set of yijing retreat device, made under the vibrators vibration force will not be restrained, completely can get sufficient play.
{(Automatic Intelligent and High-efficientSINOSUN QFT12-18 <a href="">concrete block making machine</a> has been called "quite explicit Germany customer new style, the largest and most modern <a href=‘’>concrete block making machine</a> in China".The design of this concrete block machine is unique, hydraulic engine system adopt international famous brand hydraulic elements. The directional control valves of the block making machine is very soft, fast and smooth in the operation. The hydraulic system has plenty flow of hydraulic oil and pressure, its design flow for 290 liters/minute and pressure for 16 Mpa.)}

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